Author: Ozercan, Aliyar
Summer (Mind & Language) Reading Group
ECOM Mind & Language Reading Group will be reading various paper in philosophy of language/mind. First meeting: Friday, June 12, 1pm. If you’d like to join, please contact Dorit Bar-On.
Drew will give a presentation at 2021 Easter APA
Drew’s paper has been accepted for presentation at the 2021 Easter APA. The title is “Proper Function and Ethical Judgment: Towards a Biosemantic Theory of Ethical Thought and Discourse”. Congratulations Drew!
Super Linguistics Colloquium: Yosef Prat
Time: 16:15-18:00 Oslo time
Online meeting information (please do not post the meeting information on social media or other public forums):
Zoom Meeting ID: 641-6549-2283
Password: animals
Abstract: Do nonhuman animals have language? In humans, language is prominently manifested by vocal communication (i.e., speech). However, while vocal communication is ubiquitous across the animal kingdom, studies to date have found only elementary parallels to speech in nonhuman animals. These modest linguistic capacities of other species have fortified our belief that language is uniquely human. But have we really tested this uniqueness claim? By adopting methods that are commonly used in bioacoustics, I demonstrate that, surprisingly, a true impartial comparison between human speech and other animal vocalizations has not been conducted yet. Oddly, studying human speech using the same methods used to study other species vocalizations is actually expected to provide us with no evidence for human uniqueness.
All are very welcome!
Upcoming on Inquiry: Transparent Rules and Basic Self-Knowledge
Dorit Bar-On and Drew Johnson have completed a full-length critical study of Alex Byrne’s Transparency and Self-Knowledge (Oxford UP, 2018). The study “’Transparent Rules and Basic Self-Knowledge” will appear in the journal Inquiry.
Graduate Fellowships Announcement
In recognition of the additional challenges presented by the COVID19 crisis, ECOM has set aside a portion of its budget to help provide some summer support for several graduate student members working on ECOM-related projects.
ECOM Related Collaboration
Kate Arnold and Dorit Bar-On’s paper, “Primate Pragmatics, Expressive Behavior, and The Evolution of Language” will appear in May 2020, in a special issue of Animal Behavior and Cognition.
Ryo Tanaka Received Ruth Garrett Millikan Graduate Fellowship!
Ryo Tanaka is the 2020 recipient of the Ruth Garrett Millikan Graduate Research Fellowship. The Fellowship will enable Ryo to devote the summer to completing two chapters of his dissertation, which is entitled, ‘Semantic Knowledge as Expressive Know-How’. His major advisor is Dorit Bar-On. For more information about the Ruth Garrett Millikan Fellowship, please visit here.
Connecticut Institute for Brain and Cog. Sciences Meet and Speak Event
Connecticut Institute for Brain and Cog. Sciences will host their annual Meet and Speak Event on March 28 in Oak Hall 101. Our ECOM Coordinator, Aliyar Ozercan will give short talk on Mental states and language development.
Here is the program of the event:
Drew is Going to Give a Presentation (at UNC)!
One of the most active members of ECOM, Drew Johnson, will be giving a talk with the title, “The Proper Function of Ethical Judgment: Towards a Biosemantic Theory of Ethical Thought and Discourse” at the North Carolina Philosophical Society meeting on March 27-28 at UNC Asheville. Go Drew!