ELM 2 (Oct 4-6 2024)

In 2020, ECOM obtained generous support from CLAS and OBTR to establish an interdisciplinary biennial conference with a title Expression, Language, Music (ELM). The first meeting of ELM was held in 2022 and was a great success.

Expression, Language, and Music 2 will bring together researchers from linguistics, music theory, anthropology, neurobiology, cognitive science, philosophy, and more, with the aim of integrating recent findings and insights from diverse perspectives concerning, e.g. the significance of emotional expression for both music and language, the importance of systematic structure in both music and language, and the interrelations between expressive, musical, and communicative capacities and their relevance for understanding the emergence of language (in ontogeny and phylogeny)

The second meeting will be held October 4-6 2024 on the UConn Storrs Campus. For information and registration, see our ELM webpage elm.clas.uconn.edu


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