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  • Ashley Shaw is visiting ECOM!
    We are excited to announce that Ashley Shaw is going to visit ECOM in Fall 2024! Ashley Shaw is a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow in Philosophy at the University of Leeds. He received his PhD from UCL in 2019. He works in the Philosophy of Mind and Action; in particular, on the nature of desire, rational agency, […]
  • Mark Jary is visiting ECOM!
    We are excited to announce that Mark Jary is going to visit ECOM in Fall 2024! Mark Jary is currently a María Zambrano Research Fellow at the Department of Linguistics and Basque Studies in the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). He is also Emeritus Professor in Linguistics and Philosophy at the University of Roehampton […]
  • ECOM Member Hegarty on Transformative Rationality
    A paper on transformative rationality by Michael Hegarty has been accepted for publication in Erkenntnis! Transformative Rationality and the Problem of ‘Creeping Rationalism’ According to ‘transformative’ theories of rationality, human rational mental capacities cannot be completely explained using the theories and concepts of natural science because rational mental states stand to one another in irreducibly normative relations of […]
  • ECOM Member Sonsayar at ASSC27!
    Our research group manager Utku presented his paper “Islands of Rationality and Push-mi Pull-yu Representations Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC27) conference.