- Last week, 7 ECOM members and affiliates attended the Protolanguage Workshop at the University of Virginia. The 2-day workshop had 7 speakers (including keynote Ruth Millikan) and 6 commentators from 12 universities. It was a great success. Stay tuned for summaries of talks and commentaries.
- ECOM director Dorit Bar-On has been invited to visit and talk at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, June 2012.
- ECOM members Jim Sias, Matthew Priselac, and Kevin Richardson are currently involved as RAs for two upcoming talks: Bar-On’s invited talk on neo-expressivism with UNC alum Matthew Chrisman at a conference on “Hybrid Theories in Metaethics” at Edinburgh (co-organized by another UNC alum, Mike Ridge), July 2-4, 2012; and Bar-On’s invited talk at the Fifth British Wittgenstein Society (BWS) Conference on “Wittgenstein, Enactivism, and Animal Minds” at the University of Hertfordshire, July 7-8, 2012.
- Senior RA Jim Sias has won the prestigious UNC Tanner Teaching Award. Congratulations, Jim!
- ECOM director Dorit Bar-On and affiliated faculty member Mitchell Green have organized a Protolanguage Workshop to be hosted at the University of Virginia on March 30-31, 2012. To learn more, please visit the Protolanguage Workshop page by clicking here. (A new tab has been added to the navigation bar at the top of the ECOM website.)